GeoPackage and the Related Tables Extension

GeoPackage ( is a rapidly emerging data format for vector features, raster maps, and for associated data. Its well supported by SpatiaLite, GDAL, QGIS, GeoServer and a host of proprietary software. This presentation, by one of the original contributors to the OGC specification, will explain how GeoPackage works, what it can do for you, and how you can use it.

In the second part of the presentation, I'll look at the Related Tables Extension (RTE) for GeoPackage. RTE was an interoperability experiment recently conducted by the OGC that worked through how to link data elements within a GeoPackage, to enable a standard way of embedding of media files such as documents, still images and audio recordings, to link features together, and to record additional information for a feature.

Presentation type: Full length
Session: New Technology


Brad Hards

Software developer. GeoServer committer and PSC member. GeoTools committer.