How to create a fast and cost effective serverless geospatial analysis pipeline using AWS (Lambda)

The need for fast and cost effective geospatial analysis pipelines is always present. With the new serverless services out there it is getting more easy and accessible to create an analysis pipeline that is cost effective and fast. 
This talk will show how to use the power of serverless infrastructure and AWS to get fast results at a low cost. 
It will show how to use geospatial analysis both in python and node environments. How to install the important libraries that you need for your daily analysis. And how to test out your Lambda functions locally to save even more money. 

Topics that will be covered:
- How to use AWS Lambda
- How to use GDAL on Lambda 
- How to test lambda locally
- Python example
- Node example
- Serverless example

Node and Python developers who want to test out serverless infrastructure or want some tips how to run it

Presentation type: Full length
Session: New Technology


Mila Frerichs