My Victoria - Big Data for Small Business

The Victorian government collects large volumes of data, much of which is made publicly available as Open Data; however, value is only realised when the right people can find, use and act on that data. My Victoria is an innovative platform envisioned by the Department of Premier and Cabinet that allows small businesses to explore Victoria’s data. A user-centric design approach was selected to allow users to rapidly and intuitively find information that is relevant to their individual needs. The product was developed in a short 5-month timeframe by a multi-disciplinary team of government and commercial partners working in a collaborative agile environment. Highlights of the My Victoria product design and build process will be presented, including the integration of human centered design principles (user research, co-design, sketching, motion prototyping) with cutting edge OpenGeo components (OpenLayers, Geoserver, PostGIS, Infrastructure-as-Code) to deliver a beautiful high value product to the community.

Presentation type: Full length
Session: Data Publishing and Portals


Leon Woodhouse

Leon is a geospatial engineer at Geoplex and has wide experience in the GIS industry across a range of disciplines, from technical support and training for a geospatial software distributor, to geospatial coordinator for a site of 50+ users, to his current role as a developer. Leon is a strong advocate of Open Source GIS technology and played a lead technical role in the delivery of the database and mapping visualisation components of the My Victoria platform.