Nifty data visualisation tricks using Mapbox-GL-JS

In this quick talk I'll show some cute but useful visual effects and data visualisation techniques using Mapbox-GL-JS, the open-source WebGL mapping library. These include:

- Displaying a quick animation when the user clicks on something, such as a circle collapsing in on the point, or a boundary flashing quickly.
- Linking Markers to point sources in the vector tile layers, giving you the full power of the HTML DOM to render features like charts inside your map.
- Choropleths, using the mapbox-choropleth plugin library.
- Using height to display a data variable
- Bivariate point maps using circle borders and fills.

Presentation type: Lightning
Session: Lightning Talks


Steve Bennett

Steve is a freelance web developer and geospatial visualisation expert. He has edited some 300,000 nodes in OpenStreetMap and actively promoted open spatial data for many years. He created the Open Council Data Standards for sharing council-level spatial data and csv-geo-au, a standard for point and region-mapped spatial data in CSV format. As a software developer, he worked on Potlatch2 (the Flash-based OSM editor), National Map (the Australian government's portal for open geospatial data), and built many websites in the government and academic sectors using Mapbox-GL-JS.